Back strengthening exercises, stomach exercises and spinal mobility exercises – active sitting program part V

In the previous posts you learned about simple stretching, mobility and back strengthening exercises. You were introduced to an important concept when engaging in back strengthening exercises. It is important to include stomach exercises into your workout to help regain a good muscle balance. Please be sure to review the general guidelines about spinal movement before continuing with the next set of exercises.
Pelvic Mobility sideways:

spinal mobility - back strengthening exercises - stomach exercises - active sitting

Start by sitting on the ball resting your hands on the table in front of you.

spinal mobility - back strengthening exercises - stomach exercises - active sitting

1. Keep the shoulders still and rest the wrists on the table while rolling the ball sideways.
2. Lift one cheek of your buttocks of the ball while rolling sideways.
3. Roll the ball over to the other side.
• Repeat 10 times

Pelvic lifts sideways:

1. As above roll the ball away to one side.
2. When lifting the pelvis up sideways, hold this position for about 5 to 10 seconds. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of you hips and lower back. It’s one of the more subtle yet effective and important back strengthening exercises.
3. Repeat the exercise on the other side. • Repeat 3 to 5 times on both sides


Variation for strength:

spinal mobility - back strengthening exercises - stomach exercises - active sitting

1. Start as above, lifting one side of the pelvis of the ball.
2. Let go of the table and reach with the arm/hand towards the ground on the side you are lifting the pelvis. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Neck stretches variation:

1. Start as above, lifting one side of the pelvis of the ball.
2. Let go of the table and reach with the arm/hand towards the ground on the side you are lifting the pelvis. While keeping your head facing forward drop you ear towards your should. Hold the stretch for about 15 seconds and repeat on the other side.